NALFA Announces Second 2020 Redesigned Certified Inspector Class

WASHINGTON D.C., February 2020 — The North American Laminate Flooring Association (NALFA) announces the date of its second 2020 laminate inspector certification class to be held on March 12, 2020 in Raleigh, NC in conjunction with NALFA’s Spring Meeting. The newly redesigned class includes discussions on the Topical Moisture Resistance Assembled Joint Test developed by NALFA and adopted by the domestic and internal laminate flooring industry. The class will also focus on the updated 2019 LF-01, LF-02, and LF-03 NALFA Standards.

This is the one and only class developed and taught by NALFA, the only laminate flooring trade association in North America. Attendees will receive first-hand information from industry representative, gain direct access to technical support, obtain or renew inspector certificates, and become preferred inspector choice for the whole laminate flooring industry. NALFA’s 2020 class will include an updated and redesigned curriculum and materials to enhance your inspector knowledge.
The class will be held from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. as a part of the 2020 NALFA Spring Meeting.
The Curriculum will include history of NALFA, manufacturing of laminate flooring, 2019 updates on LF-01, LF-02, LF-03, and laminate topical moisture resistance test, manufacturer’s installation requirements, moisture resistant and waterproof of laminate flooring, review of manufacturing and in-service product defects, manufacturing points of contact, inspection reporting and processes, and certification testing.
Those interested in attending must have a minimum of 3 years’ experience as an inspector. Course fee is $350.
Space is limited, and participants are encouraged to register by March 9th.
Please send us an email to to register for this event.

The North American Laminate Flooring Association (NALFA) was formed in 1997 by U.S. and Canadian manufacturers and importers of laminate flooring. Since its inception, NALFA has been dedicated to creating voluntary product performance standards for laminate flooring in North America. For more information, visit

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